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Investing in yourself

September 26, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

It's definitely Autumn now and on the eve of the annual budget, there's an element of fear and dread in the air. People are understandably looking at ways of reducing their spending, saving on electricity, fuel and all kinds of non-essential things. This is always a time of year when we step back a bit after the busy Summer and make some changes in our lives in advance of that big event of the year at the end of December beginning with C. We try to resume diets we deviated from, aspire to take more exercise and basically, take stock of our lives.

One excellent way of combining all of these things is to take a class in something we love. Photography is an interest which certainly takes us out into our world, to traverse our world in search of images. However, flying to far away places isn't necessary as there's an abundance of brilliant subject matter right on our own doorsteps. Taking a class in an inexpensive investment in oneself.


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